Author: Peter Franklyn

KPIs and WHS Due Diligence

WHS Due Diligence for Officers: Director v Managers

Officers’ WHS Due diligence Exercising due diligence in decision-making is an essential element of good business practice. It is also a requirement that officers must observe under both the Corporations Act and under s 27 of the model WHS Act. The standard of due diligence required by an officer to discharge his or her WHS

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Study Finds Work Load is the Greatest Source of Stress for School Principals – Which health and safety tasks can be dropped to ease the burden?

The latest Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey shows the two greatest sources of stress for school administrations are quantity of work, and lack of time to focus on teaching and learning. The average hours spent at work by principals ranges between 51-60 hours per week during term time and 25-30 hours per

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Curtin Uni Study Sounds a Warning for Standing at Work

A new study by Curtin University published in the journal Ergonomics sounds a warning bell on standing at work and serves as a reminder that despite the hype around sit stand desks, they shouldn’t be considered a “must have item” for physical wellbeing. Researchers from Curtin University observed 20 adults performing two hours of standing computer work

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Work Christmas Party – What is the Employer’s Duty of Care?

The duty of care responsibilities placed upon employers by WA’s health and safety legislation, remains the same for a work Christmas party, as it would if they were at work. A Christmas Party may present a set of risks that are unusual in your work place, but as far as health and safety legislation is

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Three Reasons Why Schools Will Need to Focus on Safety in 2018 and Beyond

  2018 is going to see the management of Health and Safety in schools require a significant focus. You don’t need to be a futurist to make this prediction, just consider the following: The New WHS legislation is planned to start in 2019. There’s one very important provision in this legislation that Principals and most

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Public Sector Amalgamations and Health and Safety?

Health and safety in the public sector With the State Government amalgamations program focussing largely on Corporate structure, health and safety management staffing and systems is an area that will receive and require attention. There’s very few examples of Government Agencies maintaining more than one health and safety management system. So if you’re in an

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New WHS Laws in WA – whats going on?

There’s been some  significant developments of late regarding new Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws for WA. New WHS laws for WA of course links back to the “Harmonisation” (…….remember that word??) process that started nearly ten years ago with the aim of bringing about uniform WHS legislation across Australia. Since then, WA and Victoria

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Decrease stress at work

Decrease Stress and Increase Productivity – Stop Multi-tasking

Multi-tasking – flicking your attention between a couple of work projects, checking emails, keeping an eye on social media notifications and texts – it often seems essential, but is it the best way to work? There is a growing body of neuroscience and psychology research showing this kind of multi-tasking decreases productivity, makes you tired

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Office Workers Must Exercise an Hour a Day to Offset Health Risk

A new study on inactivity published in  The Lancet  keeps the alarm sounding for anyone who spends large periods of time behind a desk. The study included over one million people mostly aged over 45, from Europe, Australia and the US.  Participants were classed by their levels of physical activity – from up to five

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Worker Consultation – how much is enough?

When it comes to worker consultation, when is too much or not enough? With the new WHS legislation already in place in most states, and soon coming to WA (well maybe!?) – a relatively new Safe Work Australia code on consultation is worth a look. Why? because the WHS legislation has a greater emphasis on

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Safe Work Practices

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