Author: Peter Franklyn

Evidence Based Psychosocial Risk Management – Minimal Value in Individual Focussed Interventions

A UK study involving 46,336 workers across 233 organisations, has found “no evidence” that individual-level mental health interventions result in lasting improvement in workplace psychosocial risk management. There is a substantial body of evidence supporting organisation level strategies and practices as effective for improving workers’ psychosocial health. Strategies and practices such as performance development programs,

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WHS Training for Managers – Key Topics by the WorkSafe Plan Assessment

WHS Manager training is a vital mechanism for bringing a health and safety management system to life. If managers and supervisors don’t know what their WHS roles and responsibilities are, the best written procedures will not translate to action, and Duties will not be met. As such, Audit tools such as the WorkSafe Plan Assessment

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Is That Worth Documenting?? Five Must-Have Documents to Meet the WorkSafe Plan Assessment

The WorkSafe Plan Assessment remains the go-to Health and Safety Audit tool for WA Public Sector Agencies and Schools. Its non-prescriptive approach to the documents and processes it requires of organisations to have in place, generally remains a less confronting set of requirements than other standards.   At times though, the WorkSafe Plan Assessment’s “flexibility”

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Health and Safety Risk Register

Key Ingredients of an Operational Level Health and Safety Risk Register

An Operational Health and Safety Risk Register should include all of the significant health and safety risks of the business. Risks which have a hazard or WHS legal requirement as a cause, are a health and safety risk. The development and maintenance of an Operational Level Health and Safety Risk Register must have genuine input

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WHS Legislation

Quick Guide – Meeting the Requirements of WHS Legislation (WA)

The requirements of WHS Legislation (WA) This brief guidance is for organisations that operate in Western Australia. The approach and actions Organisations need to take to meet the requirements of the Work Health and Safety legislation, depends largely on the state of the current Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). Two scenario’s are presented

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WHS Legislation in WA – Much Ado About Nothing??

The new Work Health and Safety legislation (WHS Act 2020) has now been passed by WA Parliament. However, it most likely won’t come into effect until 2021 is well progressed, as it’s going to be held over until the new WHS Regulations are also ready. (More detail – Statement from WorkSafe WA re progress of

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Developing a School Health and Safety Risk Register

School Health and Safety Developing a health and safety risk register, helps you systematically and efficiently consider your school’s management of the things that could harm students and staff. The Franklyn Work Safety Method Initially FWS help you identify your school’s OSH Risks through: Analysis of school injury and first aid records; Identifying applicable OSH

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Moving Office or Having a Refit?? Management of the Ergonomics can Boost or Bomb Morale

Management of the Ergonomics A move or refit presents both equal opportunity for a morale boost or a morale bomb. It’s amazing walking into a place after a move and seeing a workforce openly criticising management for providing terrible chairs and equipment, only to walk into another place where the staff are singing the praises

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WHS KPI Reporting – do you meet the new WHS legislation requirements?

If WHS KPI information rarely see’s the light of day between Annual Reports in your organisation, legislated requirements are soon going to demand you change things. Under the WHS legislation, executive level (e.g. Board, Senior Management) monitoring of WHS KPIs is an important action to meet the officer’s WHS Due Diligence obligations (see our Guide

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KPIs and WHS Due Diligence

WHS Due Diligence for Officers: Financial and WHS Reporting

Officers’ WHS Due diligence Exercising due diligence in decision-making is an essential element of good business practice. It is also a requirement that officers must observe under both the Corporations Act and under s 27 of the model WHS Act. The standard of due diligence required by an officer to discharge his or her WHS

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Safe Work Practices

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